学术讲座 Lecture

【19.7.4 16:00-17:00】学术报告---申仲伟教授

2019-07-01 09:12:50 来源:学术报告---申仲伟教授 点击: 收藏本文

报告人:申仲伟教授(美国肯塔基大学 )

时 间:2019年7月4日下午 16:00-17:00


题目:Quantitative Homogenization of Parabolic Equations


In this talk I will describe some recent work, joint with Jun Geng at Lanzhou University, on quantitative homogenization of parabolic equations and systems with periodic coefficients varying rapidly in space and time, in different scales. We prove large-scale interior and boundary Lipschitz estimates, as well as large-scale higher-order estimates by utilizing higher-order correctors. The problem of convergence rates is also studied.