学术讲座 Lecture

【19.11.28 15:00】学术报告---谭伟讲师

2019-11-27 15:33:35 来源:学术报告---谭伟讲师 点击: 收藏本文


时 间:2019年11月28日下午15:00


题目:Emergence and superposition behavior of rogue waves for the (2+1)- dimensional KdV system


In this talk, on the basis of symbolic computation and Hirota's diret method, we investigate evolution and degeneration behavior of breather solution with different forms for (2+1)-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) system. Some new rogue waves are obtained in the process of studying the degeneration of breather solution. Besides, the spatiotemporal evolution of the superposition phenomenon between rogue wave and N-solitons is studied. An existence theorem about the rogue-N-solitons is given and proved. Finally, some novel nonlinear dynamical behaviors, including the degeneration of breathers, the emergence of rogue waves, local oscillations of double breathers, the fission and fusion of rogue-N-solitons, the evolution of superposition behavior and so on, are analyzed and simulated.

